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Sejur Hotel Riu Playa Blanca

Sejur in Panama City la Hotel Riu Playa Blanca

Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca Hotel Riu Playa Blanca
Conveniently located in the province of Cocle, Riu Playa Blanca is a 24-hour All-Inclusive hotel where you can enjoy a fun and memorable family vacation or romantic getaway on beautiful Playa Blanca beach. This comfortable seven-acre property invites you to have fun and relax, while taking advantage of restaurants, bars, swimming pools, a fitness center, a nightclub, a kid’s club and an animation team with a variety of activities, sports and entertainment for guests of all ages.

PASTE 2025 PANAMA , avion , 8 nopti - 8 nopti detalii despre agentia Ecovoyage Tour
Perioada Pret/sejur/persoana/tip camera
De la Pana la Cam. single Cam. dubla Cam. tripla + RON    
18.Apr.2025 26.Apr.2025 - 1505 - -
Transport: Avion
*Nota: Preturile sunt exprimate in EURO / sejur / persoana / cu All inclusive
Data ultimului update: 15.02.2025
detalii oferta

Vacanta 1 Mai PANAMA - hotel RIU Playa Blanca 5* avion Bucuresti 26.04.2025 7 nopti all inclusive - 7 nopti detalii despre agentia SALAMANDRA HOLIDAYS
Perioada Pret/sejur/persoana/tip camera
De la Pana la Cam. single Cam. dubla Cam. tripla + RON    
26.Apr.2025 04.May.2025 - 1400 - -
Transport: Avion
*Nota: Preturile sunt exprimate in EURO / sejur / persoana / cu All inclusive
Data ultimului update: 12.02.2025
detalii oferta

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